Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Back to work

We preg checked some heifers today and I was proud to see some good hands back to work.

Steve and his back brace found a way to run the chute.

Bill is back day working after a severe car wreck.

Jessica about has Judd raised and can get back to helping us some. (I'll be glad when he can.)

The ladies.

But the one I'm most surprised to see at work this week is Joe.
Joe won 6000.00$ and a trip to the world series team roping in Las Vegas Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Yea for Steve! Glad he's up and about! Same with Bill sheesh. Way to go Joe! We'll be preging heifers next week. :) Then sorting steers babies from heifer babies and choosing our replacements. Already have the steers sold. Going to Nebraska in October. YEA!!
